
1 Mio Distal Radius Plate - Interview with Design Surgeon Prof. Dr. Hermann Krimmer
1 Mio Distal Radius Plate - Interview with Design Surgeon Prof. Dr. Hermann Krimmer Upper Extremities English
3D Printing and the advantages of a digital workflow. #Insight Talk with Prof. Dr. Christophe Meyer.
3D Printing and the advantages of a digital workflow. #Insight Talk with Prof. Dr. Christophe Meyer. Upper Extremities English
Lapidus Arthrodese TMT-1 Medial Fusion Animated Surgical Technique
Lapidus Arthrodese TMT-1 Medial Fusion Animated Surgical Technique Lower Extremities English
Metacarpal Rotation Correction Osteotomy
Metacarpal Rotation Correction Osteotomy Upper Extremities English
Abordaje Anterior de Tobillo
Abordaje Anterior de Tobillo Lower Extremities Spanish
Abordaje Posteromedial de Tobillo
Abordaje Posteromedial de Tobillo Lower Extremities Spanish
All-In-Staple Surgical Technique Animation
All-In-Staple Surgical Technique Animation Lower Extremities English
All-In-One Staple Product Trailer
All-In-One Staple Product Trailer Lower Extremities English
Animated Surgical Procedure - 2.5 Adaptive II TriLock Distal Radius Plate & 1.5 Hook Plate
Animated Surgical Procedure - 2.5 Adaptive II TriLock Distal Radius Plate & 1.5 Hook Plate Upper Extremities English
Animated Surgical Procedure - 2.5 TriLock Distal Radius Rim Plate
Animated Surgical Procedure - 2.5 TriLock Distal Radius Rim Plate Upper Extremities English
Animated Surgical Procedure - 2.5 TriLock Wrist Fusion Plate
Animated Surgical Procedure - 2.5 TriLock Wrist Fusion Plate Upper Extremities English
Animated Surgical Procedure - Ulna Shortening System 2.5 - 3D Animation
Animated Surgical Procedure - Ulna Shortening System 2.5 - 3D Animation Upper Extremities English
APTUS Ankle - Anterior Approach
APTUS Ankle - Anterior Approach Lower Extremities English
APTUS Ankle - Lateral Malleolar Approach
APTUS Ankle - Lateral Malleolar Approach Lower Extremities English
APTUS Ankle - Medial Approach
APTUS Ankle - Medial Approach Lower Extremities English
APTUS Ankle - Posterolateral Approach
APTUS Ankle - Posterolateral Approach Lower Extremities English
APTUS Ankle Surgical Technique Overview
APTUS Ankle Surgical Technique Overview Lower Extremities English
APTUS Elbow Dorsal Olecranon Plates 2.8 -  Interview mit PD Dr. Konrad Mader
APTUS Elbow Dorsal Olecranon Plates 2.8 - Interview mit PD Dr. Konrad Mader Upper Extremities German
APTUS Proximal Humerus System 3.5 - Surgical Technique
APTUS Proximal Humerus System 3.5 - Surgical Technique Upper Extremities English
APTUS Proximal Humerus System 3.5 - Trailer
APTUS Proximal Humerus System 3.5 - Trailer Upper Extremities English
APTUS Radius and Ulna Shaft Trailer
APTUS Radius and Ulna Shaft Trailer Upper Extremities English
APTUS Radius and Ulna Shaft Trailer
APTUS Radius and Ulna Shaft Trailer Upper Extremities English
APTUS Wrist - Product Range
APTUS Wrist - Product Range Upper Extremities English
APTUS Wrist 2.5 TriLock Distal Ulna Plates Trailer
APTUS Wrist 2.5 TriLock Distal Ulna Plates Trailer Upper Extremities English
APTUS Wrist Distal Radius Rim Plates 2.5 - Trailer
APTUS Wrist Distal Radius Rim Plates 2.5 - Trailer Upper Extremities English
APTUS Wrist FPL Plate Surgical Technique
APTUS Wrist FPL Plate Surgical Technique Upper Extremities English
APTUS Wrist Lunate Facet Plate 2.5 - Trailer
APTUS Wrist Lunate Facet Plate 2.5 - Trailer Upper Extremities English
Animated Surgical Procedure - APTUS Wrist Spanning Plates 2.5 by Medartis
Animated Surgical Procedure - APTUS Wrist Spanning Plates 2.5 by Medartis Upper Extremities English
Animated Surgical Procedure - APTUS Wrist Spanning Plates 2.5 by Medartis
Animated Surgical Procedure - APTUS Wrist Spanning Plates 2.5 by Medartis
APTUS Wrist Ulna Shortening System 2.5 Surgical Technique
APTUS Wrist Ulna Shortening System 2.5 Surgical Technique Upper Extremities English
Bilaterale Spaltosteotomie mit Offenen Sagittalen Split Platten 2.0
Bilaterale Spaltosteotomie mit Offenen Sagittalen Split Platten 2.0 CMF German
Bilateral Sagittal Split Osteotomy with Open 2.0 Sagittal Split Plates
Bilateral Sagittal Split Osteotomy with Open 2.0 Sagittal Split Plates CMF English
Bunionette Correction with 2.2 mm Cannulated Compression Screws
Bunionette Correction with 2.2 mm Cannulated Compression Screws Lower Extremities English
CCS Interview with Marc Ammann
CCS Interview with Marc Ammann Upper Extremities English,German
Chevron + Akin Osteotomy with APTUS® SpeedTip® Cannulated Compression Screws
Chevron + Akin Osteotomy with APTUS® SpeedTip® Cannulated Compression Screws Lower Extremities English
CMC Sparing Total Wrist Fusion
CMC Sparing Total Wrist Fusion Upper Extremities English
CMX Corporate Video
CMX Corporate Video CMX English
Cotton Osteotomy with the APTUS 2.8 C-Plate
Cotton Osteotomy with the APTUS 2.8 C-Plate Lower Extremities English
Demonstration of the anterior and superior double plating technique of a specimen with a artificial midshaft clavicle fracture
Demonstration of the anterior and superior double plating technique of a specimen with a artificial midshaft clavicle fracture Upper Extremities English
Feedback From the - Market External fixator or a spanning plate - Dr Scott Edwards
Feedback From the - Market External fixator or a spanning plate - Dr Scott Edwards Upper Extremities English
Feedback from the Market - Prof. Maurizio Calcagni APTUS Hand, CCS IM Product Feedback
Feedback from the Market - Prof. Maurizio Calcagni APTUS Hand, CCS IM Product Feedback Upper Extremities English
Feedback from the Market - Prof. Maurizio Calcagni APTUS Hand, CCS IM Surgical Tips
Feedback from the Market - Prof. Maurizio Calcagni APTUS Hand, CCS IM Surgical Tips Upper Extremities English
Feedback from the Market - Prof. Rainer Meffert Final - Clavicle System 2.8
Feedback from the Market - Prof. Rainer Meffert Final - Clavicle System 2.8 Upper Extremities English
Feedback from the Market - What are the clinical benefits of the Wrist Spanning Plate by Medartis - Dr. Scott Edwards
Feedback from the Market - What are the clinical benefits of the Wrist Spanning Plate by Medartis - Dr. Scott Edwards Upper Extremities English
Feedback from the Market - What is the exact purpose of the new Spanning Plate by Medartis - Dr Scott Edwards
Feedback from the Market - What is the exact purpose of the new Spanning Plate by Medartis - Dr Scott Edwards Upper Extremities English
Feedback from the Market - Which indications can be treated with the new Spanning Plate by Medartis? Dr. Scott Edwards
Feedback from the Market - Which indications can be treated with the new Spanning Plate by Medartis? Dr. Scott Edwards Upper Extremities English
Feedback from the Market with Prof. Krimmer - Arthrodesis System 2.0 / 2.3 2.5
Feedback from the Market with Prof. Krimmer - Arthrodesis System 2.0 / 2.3 2.5 Upper Extremities English
Feedback from the Market with Prof. Krimmer - RSL dorsal vs. volar
Feedback from the Market with Prof. Krimmer - RSL dorsal vs. volar Upper Extremities English
Feedback from the Market with Prof. Krimmer - WF and TWF
Feedback from the Market with Prof. Krimmer - WF and TWF Upper Extremities English
Feedback from the Market with Prof. Krimmer - Wrist Fusion Plate, radiocapitate
Feedback from the Market with Prof. Krimmer - Wrist Fusion Plate, radiocapitate Upper Extremities English
Feedback from the Market with Prof. Krimmer - Wrist Fusion with Transfix Screws
Feedback from the Market with Prof. Krimmer - Wrist Fusion with Transfix Screws Upper Extremities English
Foot and Ankle Surgery. #InsightTalk with Prof. Dr. med. Christina Stukenborg-Colsman.
Foot and Ankle Surgery. #InsightTalk with Prof. Dr. med. Christina Stukenborg-Colsman. Upper Extremities English
Four Corner Wrist Fusion
Four Corner Wrist Fusion Upper Extremities English
Fusion of the MTP 1 Joint
Fusion of the MTP 1 Joint Lower Extremities English
TMT-1 plantar fusion plate Hallux valgus correction with TMT-1 instability Dr. Hoyer
TMT-1 plantar fusion plate Hallux valgus correction with TMT-1 instability Dr. Hoyer Lower Extremities English
High stake moments in hand surgery. #InsightTalk with Dr. med. Piotr Czarnecki.
High stake moments in hand surgery. #InsightTalk with Dr. med. Piotr Czarnecki. Upper Extremities English
Inside Medartis - Development & Apprenticeship Training
Inside Medartis - Development & Apprenticeship Training Upper Extremities German
Insight Talk No9 Artificial Intelligence EN
Insight Talk No9 Artificial Intelligence EN Upper Extremities English,German
Insight Talk with Dr. Simon Fleming
Insight Talk with Dr. Simon Fleming Upper Extremities English
Interview with Prim. Wolfgang Hintringer - The CT-based treatment classification for DR fractures
Interview with Prim. Wolfgang Hintringer - The CT-based treatment classification for DR fractures Upper Extremities English
Intramedullary fixation of the 5th metacarpal with APTUS CCS Screw 2.2
Intramedullary fixation of the 5th metacarpal with APTUS CCS Screw 2.2 Upper Extremities English
Lapidus Cut Guide
Lapidus Cut Guide Lower Extremities English
LapiPrep Animation
LapiPrep Animation Lower Extremities English
Lateral Column Lengthening Osteotomy with the APTUS Calcaneus LCL Plate 2.8/3.5
Lateral Column Lengthening Osteotomy with the APTUS Calcaneus LCL Plate 2.8/3.5 Lower Extremities English
Live Cadaveric Masterclass from FESSH June 16, 2021
Live Cadaveric Masterclass from FESSH June 16, 2021 Upper Extremities English
Medartis 1.000.000 Distal Radius Plate - Interview with Dr. Markus Rau, Cantonal Hospital Schaffhausen.
Medartis 1.000.000 Distal Radius Plate - Interview with Dr. Markus Rau, Cantonal Hospital Schaffhausen. Upper Extremities English
Medartis 1.000.000 Distal Radius Plate - Interview with Dr. Markus Rau, Cantonal Hospital Schaffhausen
Medartis 1.000.000 Distal Radius Plate - Interview with Dr. Markus Rau, Cantonal Hospital Schaffhausen Upper Extremities German
Medartis 25 Years Anniversary
Medartis 25 Years Anniversary Upper Extremities German
Medartis CCS and headedCCS Teaser
Medartis CCS and headedCCS Teaser Upper Extremities,Lower Extremities English
Medartis CCS & headedCCS Trailer 2024
Medartis CCS & headedCCS Trailer 2024 Upper Extremities,Lower Extremities English
Medartis Clavicle Webinar with Dr. Tuckman (Q&A included)
Medartis Clavicle Webinar with Dr. Tuckman (Q&A included) Upper Extremities English
Medartis DKOU 2023 Impressions
Medartis DKOU 2023 Impressions Upper Extremities English,German
Medartis FESSH 2022 Event Movie
Medartis FESSH 2022 Event Movie Upper Extremities English
Medartis History Timeline
Medartis History Timeline Upper Extremities English,German
Medartis Patientenstory MTP Fusion Peter Neuenschwander (DE)
Medartis Patientenstory MTP Fusion Peter Neuenschwander (DE) Upper Extremities German
Medartis Patientstory - MTP Fusion Peter Neuenschwander
Medartis Patientstory - MTP Fusion Peter Neuenschwander Lower Extremities English
Medartis Patient Story Clavicle System 2.8 - Gilles Müller
Medartis Patient Story Clavicle System 2.8 - Gilles Müller Upper Extremities English
Medartis Patient Story Klavikula System 2.8 - Gilles Müller
Medartis Patient Story Klavikula System 2.8 - Gilles Müller Upper Extremities German
R3 Fusion System 3.5 Teaser
R3 Fusion System 3.5 Teaser Lower Extremities English
Medartis Soldidarity Webinar Flatfoot Deformities - with Dr. Jason Chow
Medartis Soldidarity Webinar Flatfoot Deformities - with Dr. Jason Chow Lower Extremities English
Medartis Solidarity Webinar - Bunion deformity with Dr. Laurence Rubin
Medartis Solidarity Webinar - Bunion deformity with Dr. Laurence Rubin Lower Extremities English
Medartis Webinar - Komplextrauma rund um das Olecranon - mit Dr. Konrad Mader
Medartis Webinar - Komplextrauma rund um das Olecranon - mit Dr. Konrad Mader Upper Extremities German
Medartis Webinar - Management of complex distal radius frature - with Dr. Scott Edwards
Medartis Webinar - Management of complex distal radius frature - with Dr. Scott Edwards Upper Extremities English
Medartis Solidarity Webinar – MDR aus der Sicht eines Osteosynthese Herstellers – Mit Axel Maltzen
Medartis Solidarity Webinar – MDR aus der Sicht eines Osteosynthese Herstellers – Mit Axel Maltzen 0 German
Medartis Solidarity Webinar – Mngmt. of small Joint Arthritis with Arthrodesis – Dr. Carlos Heras
Medartis Solidarity Webinar – Mngmt. of small Joint Arthritis with Arthrodesis – Dr. Carlos Heras Upper Extremities English
Medartis Solidarity Webinar - Olecranon: Dorsal plating vs. bilateral plating
Medartis Solidarity Webinar - Olecranon: Dorsal plating vs. bilateral plating Upper Extremities English
Medartis Solidarity Webinar - On table reconstruction of the radial head - with Dr. William Geissler
Medartis Solidarity Webinar - On table reconstruction of the radial head - with Dr. William Geissler Upper Extremities English
Medartis Webinar - Radiocarpal fusion in deg. and posttraum. situations  Dr. Radek Kebrle
Medartis Webinar - Radiocarpal fusion in deg. and posttraum. situations Dr. Radek Kebrle Upper Extremities English
Medartis Solidarity Webinar - The DRUJ: challenges of a complex articulation - Dr. Daniel Herren
Medartis Solidarity Webinar - The DRUJ: challenges of a complex articulation - Dr. Daniel Herren Upper Extremities English
Medartis Solidarity Webinar - Unterkieferversorgung: Osteosynthese konventionell / digital?
Medartis Solidarity Webinar - Unterkieferversorgung: Osteosynthese konventionell / digital? CMF German
Medartis Solidarity Webinar Coronoid is the key  to elbow fracture dislocation - With Mr. Adam Watts
Medartis Solidarity Webinar Coronoid is the key to elbow fracture dislocation - With Mr. Adam Watts Upper Extremities English
Medartis Webinar - APTUS Wrist Spanning Plate -  A novel tool for treatment Wrist fracture dislocation
Medartis Webinar - APTUS Wrist Spanning Plate - A novel tool for treatment Wrist fracture dislocation Upper Extremities English
Medartis Webinar – Artrodese de 4 cantos – Casos e discussões – Dr. Fábio Imoto
Medartis Webinar – Artrodese de 4 cantos – Casos e discussões – Dr. Fábio Imoto Upper Extremities Portuguese (BR)
Medartis Webinar – Atualização e tratamento de Tríade Terrível – Dr. Arnaldo Amado
Medartis Webinar – Atualização e tratamento de Tríade Terrível – Dr. Arnaldo Amado Upper Extremities Portuguese (BR)
Medartis Webinar - CCS Screws for Intramedullary Fix. of Midshaft Metacarpal Fractures. - For & Against
Medartis Webinar - CCS Screws for Intramedullary Fix. of Midshaft Metacarpal Fractures. - For & Against Upper Extremities English
Medartis Webinar - Complex Clavicle Fractures - New Treatment Options - Prof. Meffert, Prof. Eugen Ek, Dr David. Tuckman
Medartis Webinar - Complex Clavicle Fractures - New Treatment Options - Prof. Meffert, Prof. Eugen Ek, Dr David. Tuckman Upper Extremities English
Medartis Webinar – Desafios nas Fraturas de Olecrano – Casos e Discussões – Dr. Vilela e Dr. Sanchez
Medartis Webinar – Desafios nas Fraturas de Olecrano – Casos e Discussões – Dr. Vilela e Dr. Sanchez Upper Extremities Portuguese (BR)
Medartis Webinar – Dicas e Truques: Fixação de Frat. da Borda Distal do Rádio – Dr. Diego Falcochio
Medartis Webinar – Dicas e Truques: Fixação de Frat. da Borda Distal do Rádio – Dr. Diego Falcochio Upper Extremities Portuguese (BR)
Medartis Webinar - Dorsal Plating - Fract types, Indic. and Approaches - Dr. Hannemann, Dr.Honigmann
Medartis Webinar - Dorsal Plating - Fract types, Indic. and Approaches - Dr. Hannemann, Dr.Honigmann Upper Extremities English
Medartis Webinar - Erros no tratamento das fraturas de punho – Casos e Discussões – Dr. Rames Mattar
Medartis Webinar - Erros no tratamento das fraturas de punho – Casos e Discussões – Dr. Rames Mattar Upper Extremities Portuguese (BR)
Medartis Webinar - Fallbasiertes Erarbeiten eines Therapie Algorithmus für proximale Unterarmfrakturen
Medartis Webinar - Fallbasiertes Erarbeiten eines Therapie Algorithmus für proximale Unterarmfrakturen Upper Extremities German
Medartis Webinar - First metatarsophalangeal joint arthrodesis - Dr. Alexander Godoy Santos
Medartis Webinar - First metatarsophalangeal joint arthrodesis - Dr. Alexander Godoy Santos Lower Extremities English
Medartis Webinar - Fracture specific. plate reduction / operative strategies Distal Radius Fractures
Medartis Webinar - Fracture specific. plate reduction / operative strategies Distal Radius Fractures Upper Extremities English
Medartis Webinar - Fraturas de cabeça de rádio. Casos e Discussões - Dr. Antonio Tufi
Medartis Webinar - Fraturas de cabeça de rádio. Casos e Discussões - Dr. Antonio Tufi Upper Extremities Portuguese (BR)
Medartis Webinar - Indicações para tratamento com placa de escafoide – with Dr. Gustavo Pacheco
Medartis Webinar - Indicações para tratamento com placa de escafoide – with Dr. Gustavo Pacheco Upper Extremities Portuguese (BR)
Medartis Webinar - Komplexe Klavikulafrakturen - Neue Ansätze und Behandlungskonzepte
Medartis Webinar - Komplexe Klavikulafrakturen - Neue Ansätze und Behandlungskonzepte Upper Extremities German
Medartis Webinar - Lapidus Arthrodesis - modifed or original with Dr. Christian Plaass
Medartis Webinar - Lapidus Arthrodesis - modifed or original with Dr. Christian Plaass Lower Extremities English
Medartis Webinar - Lateral Clavicle Fracture Case Study Dr. Hackl, Cologne, Germany
Medartis Webinar - Lateral Clavicle Fracture Case Study Dr. Hackl, Cologne, Germany Upper Extremities English
Medartis Webinar - Managing difficult scenarios in ankle & pilon fract. - Dr. M. Herrera
Medartis Webinar - Managing difficult scenarios in ankle & pilon fract. - Dr. M. Herrera Lower Extremities English
Medartis Webinar - MTF e Revisão de MTF Casos e Discussões - Dr. Barban e Dr. Ryuko
Medartis Webinar - MTF e Revisão de MTF Casos e Discussões - Dr. Barban e Dr. Ryuko Lower Extremities Portuguese (BR)
Medartis Webinar – Scarf Rotacional Como consigo corrigir a pronação – with Dr. Tiago Baumfeld
Medartis Webinar – Scarf Rotacional Como consigo corrigir a pronação – with Dr. Tiago Baumfeld Lower Extremities Portuguese (BR)
Medartis Webinar - Why do we need a FPL or Hookplate? - Prof. Dr. Arora, Dr. Walschot
Medartis Webinar - Why do we need a FPL or Hookplate? - Prof. Dr. Arora, Dr. Walschot Upper Extremities English
Medartis Webinar: Lapidus: Dorso Medial X Plantar – Casos e Discussões – Dr. Lo Turco e Dr. Barban
Medartis Webinar: Lapidus: Dorso Medial X Plantar – Casos e Discussões – Dr. Lo Turco e Dr. Barban Lower Extremities Portuguese (BR)
Medial Calcaneus Sliding Osteotomy with the APTUS Calcaneus Step Plate 3.5
Medial Calcaneus Sliding Osteotomy with the APTUS Calcaneus Step Plate 3.5 Lower Extremities English
Feedback from the Market - Mid- and Hindfoot System 2.8/3.5 - How does the system take most common complications into account?
Feedback from the Market - Mid- and Hindfoot System 2.8/3.5 - How does the system take most common complications into account? Lower Extremities English
Feedback from the Market - Mid- and Hindfoot System 2.8/3.5 - How often do you combine osteotomies with arthrodesis?
Feedback from the Market - Mid- and Hindfoot System 2.8/3.5 - How often do you combine osteotomies with arthrodesis? Lower Extremities English
Feedback from the Market - Mid- and Hindfoot System 2.8 3.5 - What are your daily challenges treating pes planus / flat foot?
Feedback from the Market - Mid- and Hindfoot System 2.8 3.5 - What are your daily challenges treating pes planus / flat foot? Lower Extremities English
Feedback from the Market - Mid- and Hindfoot System 2.8 3.5 -  Advantages with these procedures
Feedback from the Market - Mid- and Hindfoot System 2.8 3.5 - Advantages with these procedures Lower Extremities English
MODUS 2 - Optimized to Perfection
MODUS 2 - Optimized to Perfection CMF English
MODUS 2 Mandible Teaser
MODUS 2 Mandible Teaser CMF English
MODUS 2 Midface Teaser
MODUS 2 Midface Teaser CMF English
MODUS 2 Orthognatics Teaser
MODUS 2 Orthognatics Teaser CMF English
MODUS 2 Teaser
MODUS 2 Teaser CMF English
MTP Fusion with two crossing CCS 4.0 Screws
MTP Fusion with two crossing CCS 4.0 Screws Lower Extremities English
MTP Revision Procedure with the 2.8 TriLock MTP Revision Plate
MTP Revision Procedure with the 2.8 TriLock MTP Revision Plate Lower Extremities English
MTP Revision Procedure with the 2.8 TriLock MTP Revision Plate
MTP Revision Procedure with the 2.8 TriLock MTP Revision Plate Lower Extremities English
Treatment of a Proximal Ulna Fracture with the Olecranon Tension Plate 2.8
Treatment of a Proximal Ulna Fracture with the Olecranon Tension Plate 2.8 Upper Extremities English
R3 Fusion System 3.5 Trailer
R3 Fusion System 3.5 Trailer Lower Extremities English
Scarf and Akin Osteotomy with All-in-One Staple and APTUS® SpeedTip® Cannulated Compression Screw 3.0
Scarf and Akin Osteotomy with All-in-One Staple and APTUS® SpeedTip® Cannulated Compression Screw 3.0 Lower Extremities English
APTUS Wrist Spanning Plate 2.5 Trailer
APTUS Wrist Spanning Plate 2.5 Trailer Upper Extremities English
StealthFix Animation
StealthFix Animation Lower Extremities English
Supramalleolar Osteotomy for  Asymmetric Ankle Osteoarthritis
Supramalleolar Osteotomy for Asymmetric Ankle Osteoarthritis Lower Extremities English
Supramalleolar Osteotomy for  Asymmetric Ankle Osteoarthritis
Supramalleolar Osteotomy for Asymmetric Ankle Osteoarthritis
Surgical Animation - APTUS FootMid- and Hindfoot System 2.8 / 3.5 TriLock C Plate
Surgical Animation - APTUS FootMid- and Hindfoot System 2.8 / 3.5 TriLock C Plate Lower Extremities English
Surgical Animation - APTUS Foot Mid- and Hindfoot System 2.8 / 3.5 - TriLock Calcaneus LCL Plates
Surgical Animation - APTUS Foot Mid- and Hindfoot System 2.8 / 3.5 - TriLock Calcaneus LCL Plates Lower Extremities English
Surgical Animation - APTUS Foot Mid- and Hindfoot System 2.8 / 3.5 - TriLock Calcaneus Step Plate
Surgical Animation - APTUS Foot Mid- and Hindfoot System 2.8 / 3.5 - TriLock Calcaneus Step Plate Lower Extremities English
Surgical Technique Animation APTUS Clavicle Superior Lateral Plate 2.8
Surgical Technique Animation APTUS Clavicle Superior Lateral Plate 2.8 Upper Extremities English
Surgical Technique Arthrodesis of CMC-1 Joint by Dr. Richard Gelberman
Surgical Technique Arthrodesis of CMC-1 Joint by Dr. Richard Gelberman Upper Extremities English
Teaser 360° around the ankle
Teaser 360° around the ankle Lower Extremities English
Portfolio Overview APTUS Elbow
Portfolio Overview APTUS Elbow Upper Extremities English
Tratamiento de las fracturas de pilón tibial
Tratamiento de las fracturas de pilón tibial Lower Extremities Spanish
Treatment of an artifical lateral Clavicle fracture
Treatment of an artifical lateral Clavicle fracture Upper Extremities English
Treatment of an artifical midshaft Clavicle fracture
Treatment of an artifical midshaft Clavicle fracture Upper Extremities English
Treatment of a CMC Sparing Total Wrist Fusion
Treatment of a CMC Sparing Total Wrist Fusion Upper Extremities English
Treatment of a Distal Radius and Ulna Fracture with the Medartis ADAPTIVE II and Ulna Plate 2.5
Treatment of a Distal Radius and Ulna Fracture with the Medartis ADAPTIVE II and Ulna Plate 2.5 Upper Extremities English
Treatment of a distal radius fracture with an ulnar corner lunate facet fragment
Treatment of a distal radius fracture with an ulnar corner lunate facet fragment Upper Extremities English
Treatment of a distal radius fracture with a dorsal spanning plate
Treatment of a distal radius fracture with a dorsal spanning plate Upper Extremities English
Treatment of a distal radius fracture with a volar rim fragment
Treatment of a distal radius fracture with a volar rim fragment Upper Extremities English
Treatment of a Radius Shaft Fracture
Treatment of a Radius Shaft Fracture Upper Extremities English
TriLock Explanation
TriLock Explanation Upper Extremities,Lower Extremities,CMF,CMX English
Trimalleolar Ankle Fracture
Trimalleolar Ankle Fracture Lower Extremities English
Ulna Shortening System 2.5 - 3D Animation
Ulna Shortening System 2.5 - 3D Animation Upper Extremities English
#insighttalk No. 10: Dr. Daniel Herren talks about the KeriMedical TOUCH CMC-1 prosthesis
#insighttalk No. 10: Dr. Daniel Herren talks about the KeriMedical TOUCH CMC-1 prosthesis Upper Extremities English
#InsightTalk No. 11 - Dr. Hättich & Prof. Dr Katthagen at the DKOU congress in Berlin
#InsightTalk No. 11 - Dr. Hättich & Prof. Dr Katthagen at the DKOU congress in Berlin Upper Extremities English,German
#InsightTalk with Dr. Radek Kebrle
#InsightTalk with Dr. Radek Kebrle Upper Extremities English
#InsightTalk with Prof. Dr. Tim Lögters
#InsightTalk with Prof. Dr. Tim Lögters Upper Extremities English,German
Medartis 25 Years Anniversary
Medartis 25 Years Anniversary

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