Precision and innovation.

The APTUS Hallux system was developed in association with a team of internationally renowned foot surgeons. The plate designs were confirmed using statistical analysis of CT datasets and were thoroughly verified on anatomical specimens. Covering TMT-1 arthrodesis via dorsomedial and plantar fixation with dedicated plates for classic or modified Lapidus. As well as plates for MTP-1 arthrodesis -  plates for primary approach and revision cases enables surgeons to face complex cases.

Anatomical fit

Plate shape based on the results of extensive anatomical analyses.

Plate design

Medartis plates are manufactured from a single titanium block. This sophisticated reductive manufacturing process allows for complex anatomical shapes without compromising the strength of the metal.


Compression and angular stable locking in one step. 


TriLock locking technology provides multidirectional and angular stable locking of the screw in the plate. 

Treatment Concept

TriLock TMT-1 Medial Fusion Plates 2.8


  • Available in two sizes with a plate thickness of 1.6 mm and 2.0 mm.

  • Plate design reduces contact with the tibialis anterior tendon.

  • Versatile approach, classical or modified Lapidus technique in the same plate due to the 4.0 transfixation screw.

  • Compression by means: (1) TriLockPLUS (2) K-wire slot for compression with olive K-wires.

  • 4.0 Transfixation screw with SpeedTip technology is compatible with 2.8 instruments, as the triangular tip design widens the drilled hole.1, 2

Heidemann, W.; Terheyden, H.; Gerlach, K. L. Analysis of the osseous / metal interface of drill free screws and self-tapping screws Journal of Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery (2001) 29, 69–74 

2 Heidemann, W.; Terheyden, H.; Gerlach, K. L. In-vivo-Untersuchungen zum Schrauben-Knochen-Kontakt von Drill-Free-Schrauben und herkömmlichen selbstschneidenden Schrauben Mund Kiefer GesichtsChir 5 2001: 17–21


TriLock TMT-1 Plantar Fusion Plates 2.8


  • Plate positioning minimizes overlapping with the insertion of the tibital anterior tendon.1

  • Anatomical plate shape makes bending almost unnecessary.1

  • Screw alignment along with the TriLock multidirectionality allow soft tissue friendly access.

(Plaass et al.: "Placement of Plantar Plates for Lapidus Arthrodesis Anatomical Considerations" Seven plantar plate designs were analyzed on 29 anatomic specimens with regard to plate position towards the tibialis anterior tendon, general plate design as well as the necessity of further bending. The APTUS plantar fusion plate achieved the best result. 


TriLock Grid Plates 2.0/2.3, 2.8


  • Available in three lengths.

  • The plate design increases subchondral stability achieved by a double row of screws in the plate end area.

  • Generic shape allows for many applications and plate positions.

  • Plates can be contoured to the individual anatomy.


TriLock MTP-1 Fusion Plates 2.8


  • Three defined dorsiflexion angles (0°, 5°, 10°) with 10º of valgus inclination.

  • Compression by means: (1) TriLockPLUS (2) K-wire slot for compression with olive K-wires.

  • Reduced likelihood of collisions of transverse screws.

  • Additional proximal plate hole for increased primary stability in poor bone quality.

  • Crossing lag or CCS screw can be placed if needed.


TriLock MTP-1 Revision Plates 2.8


  • Two defined dorsiflexion angles (5°, 10°) with 10º of valgus inclination.

  • Compression by means: (1) TriLockPLUS (2) K-wire slot for compression with olive K-wires.

  • Closely arranged distal holes enable treatment even of small fragments.

  • Oblong hole allows for variable autograft fixation.



2.8 Cortical Screws,
HexaDrive 7

2.8 TriLock Screws,
HexaDrive 7

4.0 Transfixation Screw
Hexadrive 7

The science behind.

  • Placement of Plantar Plates for Lapidus Arthrodesis: Anatomical Considerations.
    Plaass C, Claassen L, Daniilidis K, Fumy M, Stukenborg-Colsman C, Schmiedl A, Ettinger S.
    Foot Ankle Int.

    In this anatomical study on 29 cadaveric feet, Plaass et al. investigated the placement of plantar plates for the modified Lapidus procedure. Six different plate designs from several manufacturers were investigated, including the Medartis APTUS Foot 2.8 Trilock TMT-1 Plantar Fusion Plate. The authors identified a save-zone between the insertions of the peroneus longus and the tibialis anterior, where plantar plates can be placed.

    Read More
  • Why and How Often Is Revision Surgery Necessary after First Metatarsophalangeal Joint Arthrodeses? A Cohort of 120 Consecutive Cases.
    Drittenbass L, Kutaish H, Chin L, Stern R, Assal M.
    Open J Orthop

    Drittenbass et al. Investigated a retrospective cohort of 120 patients who underwent an MTP-1 fusion, using a Medartis APTUS Foot MTP Fusion plate. The authors found that 17 patients (14%) required revision surgery. The leading cause for revision was malposition, followed by nonunion.

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  • Lapidus Arthrodesis by an Anatomic Dorsomedial Plate
    Alshalawi S, Teoh KH, Alrashidi Y, Galhoum A, Wiewiorski M, Herrera-Perez M; Barg A, Valderrabano V
    Techniques in Foot & Ankle Surgery

    The Lapidus arthrodesis allows for long-term bunion correction and contributes to the correction of a possible concomitant Pes planovalgus. Modifications to the surgical technique and use of a stable, novel, anatomic locking plate fixation provide high union rates with minimal postoperative complications.

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Designed to Simplify

Self-Holding Drill Sleeve

  • Can be locked in the TriLock contour of the plate in the selected angle
  • Multidirectional ± 15°
  • Enables single-handed drilling

Compression and Distraction Forceps

  • For compression, e.g. during MTP-1 fusion, with olive K-wires or standard K-wires, both with a diameter of 1.6 mm
  • For distraction, e.g. during TMT-1 cartilage removal, with standard K-wires with a diameter of 1.6 mm
  • Fine adjustment and fixation via knurled nut and a threaded spindle

MTP Reamers

  • Precise reaming – easy to handle

Designed to organize.

  • Completely modular
  • Compact system
  • Easy to use 
  • Clear storage overview of implants and instruments 
  • Validated cleaning and sterilization


Explore various perspectives.

MTP Revision Procedure with the 2.8 TriLock MTP Revision Plate

Medartis patient story MTP Fusion Peter Neuenschwander

Hallux valgus correction with TMT-1 instability

MTP Fusion with two crossing CCS 4.0 Screws

Fusion of the MTP 1 Joint

MTP Revision Procedure with the 2.8 TriLock MTP Revision Plate

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